Groovezone: Eisbär

The 1997 version of Eisbär by Groovezone.

Babu the polar bear

The 1990 instrumental version of Eisbär by Polar Pop.

Grauzone mit dem Song Eisbär

Here’s the original of the song by the Swiss band Grauzone, subsequently covered by Nouvelle Vague.


The Nouvelle Vague version of the song.

The lyrics are in German, here’s the English translation:

Polar bear, oh polar bear
Cold ice, cold ice
Oh polar bear

I want to be a polar bear in the cold arctic
Than I don’t have to scream anymore
Everything would be so clear

Polar bears never have to cry

[Repeat ad infinitum!]

Hammersmith Broadway

Picture of Hammersmith Broadway

Hammersmith Broadway at 1955 on 29 March 2011.

I went on the TUC March for the Alternative

Picture of BECTU banner at the TUC March for the Alternative on 26 March 2011

I joined the BECTU contingent on the TUC March for the Alternative on Saturday 26 March 2011.

We were joined by more than quater of a million protesters on the march from Embankment to Hyde Park.

Below Yvonne does a sterling job carrying her placard on the march.

Picture of Yvonne Wootton during the TUC March for the Alternative on 26 March 2011

The scene at 1512 in Hyde Park when I arrived.

Picture of Hyde Park during the TUC March for the Alternative on 26 March 2011

New Orange Coconut videotape recycling area

Picture of Orange Coconut videotape recycling page

Yesterday a new area was launched on the Orange Coconut site: videotape recycling.

I’ve designed and developed this area to support Orange Coconut’s established low carbon broadcast videotape recycling service.

The current area will be expanded over the coming days and months with additonal pages to provide more details and facilties.