I went to TV Fast Train 2012

TV Fast Train 2012 logo

I attended TV Fast Train 2012 at the BBC White City building on 16 May 2012.

Unfortunately, unlike last time, due to other commitments during the day, I could only attend two sessions:

  • Editing with FCP – A very useful introduction to the basics of using this popular non-linear editing system provided by DV Talent.
  • Design Futures and Innovation – This session looked at some of the methods used at the Prospect and Innovation Design Research Studio (Pi Studio) based in the Design Department at Goldsmiths College, University of London. The session included a practical timeline exercise looking at the past and possible future of the BBC – I’ll write further on this interesting technique in a future post.

Many thanks to the organisers and partners involved in arranging another great TV Fast Train.

Categories: Broadcasting, Events

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