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6 April 2011 at 0915 by Tony Scott
Breakspear Crematorium, 0948 5 April 2011.
Tags: funeral
Categories: General
Selwyn Foreman
Wednesday 6 April 2011 at 1025
The lonely figure in the picture sums the day up for me.
I am definitely going to go to a performance of the Battle Symphony in Tim’s memory!
Tony Scott
Thursday 7 April 2011 at 1345
Selwyn – The first time I’d heard about the story of Tim and the cannons was during the oration.
It was a pity we did not catch up with the Hereford guys afterwards for a drink.
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Wednesday 6 April 2011 at 1025
The lonely figure in the picture sums the day up for me.
I am definitely going to go to a performance of the Battle Symphony in Tim’s memory!
Thursday 7 April 2011 at 1345
Selwyn – The first time I’d heard about the story of Tim and the cannons was during the oration.
It was a pity we did not catch up with the Hereford guys afterwards for a drink.