Almost run over again – by a cycle on a footpath.
Following on from my previous cycle-related rant I ask the question – why do a small minority of cyclists break the law and tarnish the good name of cycling?
I refer such cyclists in the UK to Highway Code rule 64.
Saturday 21 June 2008 at 0008
Keep up our side Tony. Here in France we are daily faced with cyclists going the wrong way down streets then trying invoke the highway code if you are caught out by this topsy turvey behaviour, cycling on pavements and being rude if I don’t get the pram quickly enough out the way :-0 and every variety really of flouting of highway code, basic human social interaction codes…I could go on. Why is it so hard for them to understand the poor pedestrian’s or law-biding road user’s point of view: laws and rules exist for a reason. To stop us all bumping into each other as we move about ;-) This comes fom a passionate cyclist too. Only I’ve really had my share of cyclists with no lights, no bells or no idea of how to ride the bloody thing!
Annabelle (previous BECTU member and NEC member)