I participated in UKGovCamp 2017, held at the National Audit Office on Saturday 21 January 2017.
The unconference was split into eight parallel streams, with five sessions in each timeslot.
The sessions I attended where:
- Digital campaigns in government – this session, led by Lily Dart from the Department for International Trade, looked at improving government campaigns in the department through seeking advise from those in other areas
- Research and development in government – this session asked should the civil service carry out research and development, one of the proposals was that their should be a central R&D function centrally (eg in GDS), along with R&D groups in each department
- Making government open by design and in operation – Clare Moriarty, from DEFRA, led the session which asked the group, split up into smaller groups of about six, how could the department develop implementable policy on openness
- Archiving digital government – a fascinating session, led by John Sheridan from The National Archives, looked at what should be recorded for archiving purposes needs to be thought about entirely differently in the digital age
- Writing content for users – this session, led by Lizi Standing, gathered ideas for improving content for users in local government
The brilliant day concluded with a number of drinks being consumed at a nearby local hostelry!
Many thanks to the organisers and sponsors for enabling another fantastic UKGovCamp.