What’s the connection between the worlds of wine, beer and cider?
Well, the obvious answer (alcohol) was not the conclusion reached during discussion between Robert McIntosh and myself at the London Bloggers meeting on Tuesday at Ember in Farringdon.
During the wine tasting session organised by Robert, we discussed the common themes between the wine community and the real ale and cider movements.
There is an obvious connection between real ale and real cider, demonstrated by the regular appearances of cider (and perry) at CAMRA real ale festivals.
But what is the connection between the consumers of hop and apple-based drinks, and grape-based beverages?
The majority of members of both groups tend to drink wine, beer and cider (but not at the same time normally!).
The commonality between the real ale and cider groups, and the hard core wine aficionados, seems to be spreading the availability of the ‘real thing’.
In beer and cider it involves getting into as many outlets as possible drinks produced using traditional methods and ingredients.
In the wine world it involves making easily available wines that are outside the fairly standardised range distributed through supermarkets and the off-license chains
How to prove the thesis of a common ground between these interest groups correct?
I’m more from a real ale background, whilst Robert is from a wine background. Together we’re proposing a wine/beer/cider tasting evening in the London area to bring together those who might be interested in the intersection between these currently disparate areas.
The evening could also involve matching each drink with a food dish from a range that could be produced by food bloggers.
Whether this actually happens depends on the level of interest shown beforehand.
Therefore if interested readers could leave a comment to this post we can take the idea from there.
* With apologies to James Cridland for the title of this post!
Friday 12 December 2008 at 1953
I hate to say it, but I think (after having been to the CAMRA event and a few wine events, notably the wine show a few months ago) that the answer – just like much in the UK – is simply… class.
If you fancy yourself as upper class, intelligent, sophisticated, you drink wine.
If you don’t particularly care, or you’re lower class, you drink beer or cider.
And it’s a shame: because beer is a much more interesting drink than wine, given the differences in ingredients.
Saturday 13 December 2008 at 2052
Was Robert McIntosh ever associated with the compnay SVSE?
Sunday 14 December 2008 at 1210
Great idea and one that has been ‘brewing’ for a while as I think I discussed this with James a while ago, but I lack sufficient contacts in the beer and cider worlds. Glad to working with you on this.
I take James’s comments as a challenge (wine NOT AS INTERESTING AS BEER?? That there be fighting talk!) so we must respond forthwith.
In response to Warth Publishing, I have never knowingly been associated with a company called SVSE I’m afraid. Where is it based, and in what industry? You can check out my past on LinkedIn if you want :)
Tuesday 27 January 2009 at 0115
Thanks for the reply Mr. McIntosh
Sunday 10 May 2009 at 1529
Another similarity between ale and wine drinkers is their control of their behaviour afterwards! Generally pretty good, compared to Lager and shot types who have been known to scrap like dogs :-)